Donnybrook is offering the unique opportunity to local
Not-For-Profit groups to have an interesting, fun and unique fundraiser.
Who can benefit?:
- Non-Profit Organizations
- Emergency Funds
- Memorial Campaigns
- Political Campaigns
- Sports Teams
- Churches or Temples
- Schools
- Boy Scouts / Girl Scouts
- Any non-profit
Non-Profit Event Details
- Make a reservation for a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday evening
(September 2nd is excluded).
- Your organization runs and handles the publicity. You will be
responsible for letting the public know about your event. Each
group will use its own channels to bring in people.
- The format includes a 4:00 PM start (Shotgun Start, if over 28 people)
for the golf tournament.
- Donnybrook includes 9-holes of golf, with carts, score cards and pencils.
- Donnybrook will also include a barbecue cook-out, which will include;
hamburgers, cheeseburgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs, chips, salad, pickles,
and non-carbonated soft drinks. The outdoor barbecue starts at 6:00 PM.
- The fee is $40.00 per golfer, which includes all of the above.
- Golfers may organize in teams of 4. There is a limit of 18 teams per event.
There is a minimum of 5 teams.
- Donnybrook will reimburse your organization $15.00 per player after
event is over.
- Non-golfing guests are welcome to partake of the barbecue, and to come as
spectators for $10.00 per head.
- In case of rain, a rain date will be assigned.
As an example; 24 golfers would yield your group $360.00, while 40 golfers would give your organization $600.00. A full 18 teams would bring in $1080.00 for your cause!
To book your fundraising golf tournament at Donnybrook, or to get more information,
Please call 413-499-7888.